Wednesday, December 7, 2011

At last the leaders in Kerala are talking something for the people

I have written earlier in this blog about the inertness by the leadership on the Mullperiyar dam. Finally, the leaders have woken up, thanks to Minister PJ Joseph. His remarks in public followed by a public uproar has made everyone to react to it.

It is now the turn of Central government and the Judicial institutions to listen to the worried millions of people in the state. People in Tamil Nadu and their leadership has to understand that by supporting the safety requirements of 3.5 million people in Kerala, they are not going to loose even one drop of water. Instead they will gain goodwill in the state. Hope wisdom prevail.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad to see that the Keralites and Tamilians are behaving as if they are rivals. Both life security and water security are important to the people could be affected. Instead of working together to address the interest of the people, governments and polical leaders are talking like "clan-heads". Any disputes could be having naturally 2 sides and opposite views. If both sides are not mature to handle the situation, other parties with vested interest will start playing games and the results would be devastating for all. I remember the story of the two little lambs who were good friends and fought over a silly argument induced by a wolf. In that story, wolf started drinking the blood of both lambs when they started hurting each other. I hope that people from both sides of the Sahya Mountain range will understnad the wolves and stay as friends and act in the best interest of security, rather than imotional frenzies created by wolves trying to benefit from a problem.
