Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bulky to commission and costly to buy software create digital divide between enterprise and SMB.

Is there rich man's software and poor man's software ? Oh Yes, it does exists. ERP applications, database engines, many software tools  and many vertical industry applications are example such expensive software that most of the common buainesses can't afford. Although opensource software provides some relief, it is not a remedy. Except a few of them like Linux operating system, alfresco document management software, most of the opensource provides only software for entry level and to use it seriously in an organisation, one will have to buy its enterprise version, which could be as expensive as any other.

Ask an implementor of ERP, that how long will it take to implment his ERP solution in you organisation. It would be minimum 6 months and can be as long as many years. They say it is because of your business complexities and thus requires customisation. True, I know from experience, it is not easy to make a pre-built bulky software address all your business requirements as it is. It could be longer and costlier unless you make several compromises on your business requirements.Funny though, the more tim you spent and the more money you spent, it would be that much more difficult to maintain your system. Ah...that's how it is information technology might change.....but......when ?!!

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